The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Monday, January 11, 2010

Without Cover

At my farm on Coughran road, in the master bath, you exited the shower right in front of a full length mirror. I used to roll my eyes and actually say: "Gag!" out loud.

I don't like being naked. I don't like what I see. There's too much work to be done that I can no longer hide from. I can't pretend that I am what I am not. Even to myself.

I don't like to become vulnerable. I don't like opening up. Because what is obvious can no longer be ignored. I am forced to work.
Forced to grow. Forced to go against all the "Hey, it's just the way you are" and become more.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I usually leave the lights off in the bathroom - hmmm, that darkness works in the world, too!