The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Like - - Wow

The funniest thing about all the hub bub over the KSAT interview is the way I feel when people make a big deal out of it.

It's a self image thing. I hate the way I look and I work to look better and I don't and I HATE to have people notice me. People always think I'm joking when I say that, but those who know me know.

I thought all this would be fun, but I hadn't realized how it would grow. It makes me squirm to be under the microscope. I now know - LOTS of people have called- that I am and have been watched for a while.

I told Meg the other day that it made me uncomfortable to have people looking at me. And she said: "Duh! You're on a black and white horse in the middle of town. What do you expect?"

'Duh' is right.

But it's my personality. I have to learn to deal with all this or hire some pretty , witty chick to play 'me' through it.


Amy said...

Here's my "DUH" comment - those of us who love you think, "There's my friend that I love", not giving a moment's thought to how you look.
I wish you could love you as much as I love you -

Darla said...

I agree with Amy.

We see ourselves differently than others do. At least I hope we do. I hate to look at pictures of myself or hear myself talk. I think that is the way it should be.

So many from the younger generations are SO-O into themselves....they are the ones I don't get.