The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Got my trailer over here at the house finally. Robert and I and the dogs and the big horses are going to Kileen on Thursday so I need to get it ready. There's just something about a camp fire under a Texas sky to help a person chill.

We're also getting Chief back to see whats what with him. With the heat, I don't expect to do much riding, but I want to be around him and the Tesster more. Just the thought of bathing, brushing, grooming . . .it is as calming as a bubble bath to me.

I realize I have no life, but boy, my horses do.

1 comment:

jenn said...

hey girlie, i was catching up and reading past entries. i commented on "Monday Night" feel free to NOT read it if that is what you so decide, but i felt the urge to comment so i did!
have fun on your camp out!!! you deserve the open texas sky:) i love you