Went to lunch today for BBQ. Being from Texas, I smirk when people say they know a good BBQ place. While the food was good, it was NOT BBQ.
The Church here is so like home, except the song leader was un . . . . .
. .. . . re . . . . .
. . . . . lee . . . . .
. .. . . . drag . . . .
. . . . ging . . . .
I've never been so glad to see the back end of "Stand Up for Jesus"
Virginia is a Yankee state, I don't care what the mason dixon line says.
These people are weird. And rude. And it's unreal that they won the war.
I stand there, waiting for the call to wait in line so I can wait to check in, wait to find my seat, wait to take off, wait to land . . .
There I was, listening to my music watching people in the airport. I saw dozens of chubby couples, the wife almost always in front of the 'Dun-Lap' guy behind her. She looks perpetually irritated, he looks anxious that he is the cause for that irritation. And the only thing that I can't keep out of my mind is the fact that once those two giggled and whispered and 'did laundry' all the time. She ached for his call and died a little death when he kissed her. He hurried home to be able to touch her hand, smell the scent of 'her'.
But somewhere along the line they became disillusioned with that, or with each other, or maybe with life.
So what were people thinking as they watched me?
I think I need to remember that.
My attitude is really beginning to worry me. I know I've said this before, but, MAN! I am getting worse and worse as I grow older when it comes to speaking my mind. I listen to myself and can actually see me outside of me, lunging in slow motion, my arm out stretched hollering "NNNNNOOOOOO!" as I try to stop the words exit my mouth. Is it because I love less? Because while I care what people think, I don't care nearly like I used to. Not at the expense of shutting up.. . . and then . . . ... maybe that I love too much to shut up. Nah, not that.
Because I'm fixin to go to Norfolk and then to Denver, I've been trying to wrap things up so Robert Fuselier doesn't have kittens or have all his hair fall out while I'm gone. Worry to that degree is SUCH a tiring waste of time. Every day I ask myself WHY I work there. It's to keep Robert Fuselier sane, I think. I am the only one he chills down around. So I bought him a Message Bible. I'm entering into the show world again. Emily Mann will be showing my mini Tornado and Sara Stewart will be in charge of Hercules. What kind of idiot am i, huh? But those girls are NUTS about horses and showing. And I have a lot of horses.It all comes down to using what God gives you to further God and not you. It's a lottery. You don't ask God to bless you with that 45 million so you can show Him what you will do for Him. You take that 45 dollars and show Him what you will do for HimSo I guess I've won the lottery.
Wow and how horrible has the last few weeks been? And just when I think I can't be hurt anymore . . . God kicked me in my complacency. It's nice to actually grin while I type that. So I'm up late - it's 10:45pm!- buying music off Yahoo music so I can shut the door and work in oblivion tomorrow. I hear this stuff and it makes me relax.and then . . . My jaw hurts from bracing against the inevitable.
And interesting observation:I had a eye blurring, fighting-throwing-up, pulsating headache all day yesterday. I dreaded class with Emily Mann and Sarah Stewart because I was afraid of getting sick all over the place or falling off the horses because my equilibrium is effected by these headaches.But I rode and I taught and my head felt better and better and better until it was gone.Really gone. For the first time in literally 3 weeks. Gone.Maybe it was the smell of Chief's sweat. Or the way Tesster obeyed. Or the laughter of those little girls.Gone. Honest. Gone.
Robert won't let me ride to work this week. It's hard on the horse and hard on me.Personally, I think it's harder when I don't get any alone time with my horse, God and myself. Makes me sour. And after yesterday, I think Robert's going to regret this decision.
While I love Amy more than my luggage, I so wish she wouldn't worry. I have no idea how to stop taking on so much. So it's a bummer to know that I'm worrying her.That being said . . .There comes a point where all you can do is tie a knot and not let go. Even if you don't want to.I feel like I'm too old to have choices.
There I was, sitting in the pew, singing 'Faithful Love' and crying because Christ is truly the ONLY one who will not let me down. It was so cool to have a and having such a heart so full of gratitude that it spilled out all over my face . . . . . . and then . .. . . . and then Mike and Jenn went forward to place membership and Mike ended up getting baptised by Robert.Proof positive that God loves to give out gifts when we least expect them and in quantities that are unreal in their proportions.