The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

His name is Daniel

Sitting in the 2nd phase of a long wait at Brooks Army Medical Center, I was just a touch touchy yesterday.

Had an appointment. The thing took 2 hours, THEN I had to wait for labs then for x-rays, then for prescriptions. It was a less than happy day, but I kept remembering that I am the only chance some of these people might get to see Christ (Oversaved), so I was cheerful and friendly to everyone - even little kids (she says with a touch of pride).

He wheeled up to the changing room of the x-ray, a young guy about 25. He had no legs. They were gone mid thigh on both sides. Everyone (except me) did their best to look away, or smile nervously. But I just couldn't. I asked him if he'd served in Afghanistan, and he said no, he'd been in Iraq. I smiled and said, "People just don't get it, do they?" He began to talk as if I'd opened a floodgate.

He'd been active duty for 13 years. This was his first tour in Iraq. February 18, 2009 an IUD had exploded under his jeep. His buddy only had his knee missing, but they were trying to save it. He had no problem, ". . . except this." he gestured to his legs.

The nurse told me that I was cleared to go, and I stood and asked to shake his hand. "Sir, could I have your name?" I asked. Surprised, he took my hand and stammered, "Daniel. My name is Daniel." Trying not to cry, I told him that I was honored to be in the same area he was in.

As I left, I told him, "I'm sure you hear that a lot, but it's true. I am more than honored to meet you and shake your hand." He smiled a puzzled smile. "No," he said. "I don't hear it."


The Johnsons said...

I'm crying. I wish more people would say that. Thank you for telling him.

Dana said...

Amazing! He sounds like quite a man. I'm so glad you were able to meet him today!

Amy said...

You make me proud, but more than that- you make our Lord proud, too.