The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Fool Me Once . . .

Sitting here waiting for our new kid to come over. We're having an exchange student stay until May. And why in the world didn't I say no? I am and will forever be a pushover.

Last night we had people over and got to talking about how I let people take advantage of me. The person who 'warned'me that was all angry because he was afraid I would regret the stuff I do to help out people who've taken advantage of him.

But you know, so what? So what if they do? So what if I get rooked?

In the scheme of things, does it really matter?

Isn't watching out for me Gods job?


Darla said...

I think we may find that some take advantage of us but it is our duty as Christians to do good. It is on them if they do wrong. We did what we knew to do.

Jaci said...

this reminds me of a lesson my highschool sunday teacher taught us. He was talking about homeless people and giving money. Someone said, "if we give them money all they are going to do is spend it on alcohol etc" his response was, "its not our place to judge. If you give willingly thats all you can do. Its not up to you whether he spends it on alcohol or food." That always stuck with me. Pretty much what Darla said. lol (dont forget those pictures of tess and grace!! And throw one in of chief too!! I miss them!!!!!)