The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Through a Fog of Mucus

Sick as a dog!
Sick as a dog!
sick as a dog . . . .

Now why do we say that? Does a dog get any sicker than any other animal? Where's the compassion? Where's the feeling? Where's the love?

Had to go into work though, even though I thought my ribs were breaking with each cough. Seems Julie, the chick who really runs PAC is leaving and it's all me now. Today was her last day. And I didn't manage speech until about 4pm this afternoon.

I don't need the job. I don't need the money. I don't need the stress. What is wrong with me???


Darla said...

Well...sick as a dog?
Have you WATCHED while he cleans himself?

Oh, sick!

Hope you are better soon.

Jaci said...

cause you are way to nice. =) hope you start feeling better soon!!! The Spurs rocked it out last night!!!!!! I actually got to watch a Spurs game!!!!!!!