The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Jadey Girl-She live in her Jady World

Jade watches the fence - all sides for danger. (All sides for the opportunity to dig her way into the pasture.)

She is the terror. (Except when Nellie-a tenth of her size- lets her have it.)

She is queen of her pillow (Okay, queen of the small one I got for Nellie, because Nellie won't give up the big one so Jade squashes herself into the 'cat' bed)

She is the puller of all pullers on our nightly walk (So, I unhook her for most of it - gives the chick some privacy.)

Jade is the dog who sees a little girl in the yard next to us and barks, wiggles her bottom and gets that tail swinging into danger mode because she thinks it's Julie or James and she misses them.

And if I didn't love her for any other reason, I'd love her for that.

1 comment:

Jaci said...

I miss her sooooo much!!!!! =(