The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Thursday, December 11, 2008


There's a huge elephant in the room here at work.

It's sorta pathetically funny. No one will face the fact that I am not at PAC as of the 22nd.

So, here's ole tactful Jackie today. Robert, Karen and Ken are in my office going over stuff.

Karen: "Jackie, can you find this on the computer? I have no idea about how to go about it."

Jackie: "Well, someone needs to learn so you can fill my position."

(Insert the sound of crickets chirping here.)

Maybe they think I'm bluffing?


Jaci said...

Hey mom,
Started my own blog. It is mostly just thought provoking discussion.

jenn said...

don't know why anyone would think that the lady who was only going to work part time for a little while would now after a whole bunch of full-timeness has elapsed would be bluffing!!! sorry had to show a little smarty-pants there! LOVE YOU