The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

8 days

Man. Has it been a week already? Over a week. The funeral for mom was three shakes past horrible and I had the flu during it all. Now, we're all sick sick sick with the flu, Jaci, Jah and Julie included. Robert was REALLY bad - about 104 degrees for like 3 days. But James was almost admitted with pneumonia.

And then the big freezer broke. There was blood everywhere in the garage.

. . . and then . . .

It rained. And it's supposed to keep up. And Robert had to change a 'blow up' diaper. His face when I walked in was great.

(Insert heavy happy sigh here.)


Amy said...

If you look really hard, in the distance the sun is shining. It's just a speck, but will be shining brightly on you soon, I promise. Just hang on to God's love and promises.

I love you -

Ceal said...

LOL, Jackie I just love the way you write...a blow up diaper. That is wonderful and I could picture poor Roberts face. I am sorry that everyone is under the weather and you aren't getting to enjoy the time with those grandbabies. We continue to keep you all in our prayers.

Darla said...

It seems you have been on a roller coast ride. I have never been a real fan of roller coasters. I sort of like to know what is coming next but it certainly is a ride!

I hope things settle down to the normal level of chaos that is more managable and you have time to enjoy those babies before they fly out of here.