The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Smell no evil

One of the biggest worries I have about showing the house is the smell. You know what it's all about. Every time you went to peoples houses when you were a kid their houses smelled weird. Sometimes bad - I'm reminded of once visiting my friend Deanna and I smelled this AWFUL smell. So after we went to bed, I decided (for some reason) to get up. I opened a door to the outside and almost ran smack into a skinned coyote that was hanging there in the breezeway right outside her bedroom. GAG!!! That stink mystery solved.

Don't you hate it when you clean and scrub and think it's ll good and then there comes a humid day that releases scents you thought best left in the sewage pool? So I'm walking into the kitchen for my coffee today and it hits me. I have to walk past the flordia room that now holds memories of the cat I've given away. What a thoughtful sap.

Hope I got a lot of fabuloso.

1 comment:

andrew said...

Yeah...but smells are a part of who we are. For good or for bad, they say alot about who we are.