The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Saturday, March 17, 2007


My boy is 26 years old today.

Man! Rob's birthday has been buried all the lint of my life lately, but when I allow myself to remember back on that day I have to grin. I was 19 and scared to death. Robert was in Omaha Nebraska, fresh out of boot camp. God knows I can't handle pain, so the labor was only 4 hours start to finish.

He was supposed to be named Lauren (I hadn't realized then that 'Lauren Hutton' had been taken) because the doctors said that his heartbeat was that of a girls. (This was obviously before the sophisticated ultra sounds of today.) I thought if I had a boy, I'd call him Brandon, but when I saw him, it wasn't a Brandon that looked back at me. It was a Ruby. He was and has remained my priceless gem.

And Mom was there. I'd forgotten that. She was there for me when he came into the world and he was there for me when she went out of it.


Darla said...

That makes me both happy and sad.

I am happy that you found that gem...and the gem I am referring to is the gem that God placed on your heart this early morning when he gave you the memory of your mother being there for you at the birth of your Ruby. As time passes more will come.

I have not personally gone through the trials you have undergone lately but can sympathize with you but only one who has gone through it truly will understand the emotions you will feel in the coming year.

I love you.
Happy Birthday Robby

Rob said...

I love you mom

Amy said...

Me, too. I "amen" both Darla and Robby.