The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Thursday, June 07, 2007

A Brreakfast Story

Don't you hate it when you go to get cereal, but there's only a little milk, so you pour it over the cereal and it's too much cereal and not enough milk so it makes the milk all sweet and thick?

I did that this morning.

It'z beena long day.


Dana said...

That's why I don't drink the milk.

Darla said...

Yup! The cereal gets wet but it is more like something spilled on it and then it is yucky to eat it. I want my cereal swimming in milk.

andrew said...

Awe...Dana! The best part of the cereal is the milk afterwards. I thought I taught you better than that! You don't waste milk!

Jackie's right, you need to have enough milk to make the cereal worthwhile. Swimming in milk . . . I don't know. But you do have to have an appropriate milk-to-cereal ratio.

Jaci said...

OK i have to agree with everything except you dana (I think you are the minority in this one) thats the only time I actually drink milk!!! haha