The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Sunday, June 24, 2007


On the trip to get the red truck to California, I found that I have become quite the bathroom connoisseur. We had to fill up every four hours going and every 3 coming back. With all that time on the road, I got to be in many MANY more bathrooms than I wanted.

I learned that most people don't clean their hands - trash baskets were sparsely filled with paper towels, and I learned that I am simply unable to use a bathroom without buying something. Also, you get to a point where you don't even attempt to balance anymore. Yeah, I sat, actually sat on unfamiliar toilets.

tmi, I know.


Dana said...

Maybe you just washed your hands pretty close to when they emptied the trash cans. Or peeople used their paper towels to grab the gross door handle and tossed it at another trash can. Yeah - those are happier thoughts.

Jaci said...

eWwWw .. exactly why I dont think I will ever be able to do a cross country drive. Blech