The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Friday, June 29, 2007

Laugh out Loud Happy

Had a disturbing realization today.

I was thinking on what to write on my blog today and thought I'd ask what time in every one's life that they were the happiest. Asking the question demands that I give my response first. But I was stumped. I gave it a lot of thought and couldn't come up with any single time that stood out.

Rob and Jarred were memories of wonder, awe and this unreal fear that I was in over my head.

My marriage was one of acceptance - both times.

My baptism was one of desperation.

I've been 'grin happy' a lot in my life. Things have gone pretty good except when they didn't. And when things were black, they were opaque.

But 'Laugh out Loud' happiness? Maybe that's a wait on heaven thing.


Jaci said...

hmm .. good one. makes you think. my laugh out loud happy moments are seeing jarred coming home safe from a deployment. its all these emotions all at once. its, im so happy you are home, im so happy i have help again, i am so happy i have my support system back etc etc. plus every kiss feels like a first kiss everytime. cant get much better then that.

Amy said...

I laugh a lot, but not always out loud. Erin keeps me chuckling and so do you, so I'm a lucky woman.

Jaci - I know what you mean about those kisses - even after 33 years, I never get tired of Andy's kiss. MMMMMmmmmm :)