The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sometimes it Feels Like it's Gonna Just Pop

I always seem to have a headache now. Amy says it's the weather and Julie says that my brain is dehydrated. I heard that motrin is best, or tylenol is best. I've tried to sit in the dark, or under the ac and killed all caffeine. No go.

I think it's because I've got too much going on and it's overload. My head won't let me forget that I'm spread too thin.


Jaci said...

try drinking soda. pepsi or something like that. the bubbles in there help bring more oxygen into the brain. oh the things you learn on message boards. it has worked for me everytime. hope that helps. love ya!!

Dana said...

Brain overload. Yeah - that is a likely cause. I had to run away for a week. Leave it all and just get away. Literally - leave it all! Take some time for you with no cell phone or computer. As far away as you can get. It is all there waiting for you but at least you get a small break!

andrew said...

Try a little ginger ale. Ginger is a natural stomach settler. When we get headaches our stomach can become involved also. Plus, ginger ale does not have any calleine.

The Johnsons said...

When I have a headache - as much as it hurts, sometimes it's just best to keep moving. Sitting on the couch and lying in bed don't help me. If I just get up, have a shower, and get on with my day it tends to help distract me and eventually I don't even notice it.