The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Sunday, July 01, 2007


When I was a little girl, I read the book, "the Long Winter" by Laura Ingalls Wilder. It always fascinated the 'nesting' part of me - the staying cooped up in a room, with just a candle, fat quilt, hot chocolate and the wind. The big deal for the Ingalls family was getting to real an article from a stack of old news papers once every day. They lived for it. It has stayed with me . . .what would I do to keep from going insane if I got 'colded in' (we all lknow there are no 'Long blizzard winters' in South Texas)?

I just rearranged my books. Got a good look at what I have.

I could probably get a degree with all I have here.

Richard Adams once wrote that ". . . people who say they love the cold are really saying that they love the security they have against it. Animals in the wild have a much more realistic view of winter." How true can you get? I am secure, I am protected, well fed and have interesting, funny husband, so yeah, I love being 'colded in'. Adams nailed it.


Darla said...

I agree with Adams. I love to be snuggling in a cozy quilt in front of a roaring fire, watching an old movie with someone to play footsie with me. I sort of thumb my nose at the cold and love it as long as I do not have to BE cold.

Jaci said...

its working!! Its on 172 now.

I LOVE everything about the cold!! I love dressing for the cold, being out in the cold, drinking hot cocoa in the cold, sitting in front of a fireplace because its cold, ahhhh .. to be cold. love it