The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Saturday, January 03, 2009

You Just Do

Jarred and I are a lot alike. We both have opinions, we both think we're right and we both don't let go of them. Usually, Robert and Jaci are caught in the crossfire.

After one of the discussions that Jarred and I . . uh . . .'discussed' while we were in Colorado, I asked Robert how he was able to just let stuff go the way he does. (I obviously STINK at it). And he said, "You just do, baby."

"You just do"?

Well, how in the world are you supposed to do that?

I began to watch him and the way he took things. He's so laid back, non-aggressive, but firm at the same time. It's really discouraging. No matter how hard I want to let things go, I can't sometimes. If I just shut up,it bubbles, then explodes. If I speak it, I hurt someone because when you vent off steam, "someone gets burned". I can't find the medium. But Robert has. And he shows it over and over every minute of every day.

And he says he's the lucky one.

Go figure.


Brandee and Rob said...

Rob is like that 95% of the time. it makes me sooo mad when he is all calm and im going crazy and yelling about things i dont agree with.

Dana said...

I have to give my difficult students credit for what I've learned about when people say or do unkind, disrespectful things. I have learned that most of the time, people have other stuff going on in their lives and they finally have to just let it out. With my kids, most of the time they would lash out (verbally or physically) at me. It took a long time to realize that most of the time, they didn't really want to hurt me. They just felt safe enough with me to know that I would love them even if they were ugly or mean to me. Nine times out of ten, it wasn't about me. It just landed on me. I'm not sure if this post is about a person or an issue but I've applied this to many things. See people/issues for what they are and don't let it internalize. I've learned to be a duck and just let the water roll off my back. I would have been crushed long ago had it not been for knowing sometimes it's not about me, it just lands on me.

The Johnsons said...

I can usually take things with stride and not let them get under my skinn too much anymore. However, right now, I'm the sit quietly until it explodes. I've been sitting quitely for years. I think I'm about to explode. Let's hope a little bit of Robert rubs off on all of us... I need me some Peace!