The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Forget the love . . How Do You Tolerate?

So I'm using my "mouth control", "walking in their shoes", "never-never-never taking revenge", repaying good for evil" etc . . . - all the stuff I'm supposed to do to be able to love someone I can't stand.

And every single time I see them or even hear their name mentioned, I sneer.

How do you love someone you can't stand if you can't even abide that person?


Beth said...

Just a question, hon. If someone read your blog and their first thought was, "that's exactly the way I feel about her!"... would you prefer justice or crave mercy from them? As for me, I'm 100% on the mercy side. I screw up way too often not to greatly desire mercy even though I deserve justice. Know what I mean, jellybean? Love you!!

jenn said...

you just keep trying! you never stop wanting to love them as Christ loves you. You keep praying about it and you keep working on it. and I'm so with Beth on the mercy thing (even though I want it more than I give it) Love you bunches

Jaci said...

I JUST went through this!!! I reminded myself that Christ died for me and every other sinner in the world. Which means Christ died for this person also. Christ has already forgiven them, so should I. And secondly, I reminded myself that they are my brother/sister in Christ and that right there is my number one reason for not holding grudges against anyone. Sure we argue, disagree, but I don't know any family who doesn't have their disagreements. And prayers .. =)

Dana said...

I'm not say that this is what you should do but in my experience, this is what worked for me. There was someone that I had a hard time with. So, I did what I usually do - give God an ear full about it. What I eventually found myself praying was that I could see that person through His eyes. Gotta warn ya though - that is a prayer that He will definitely work through! Mean it before you pray it! While I don't think I got even remotely close to God's point of view, it did change the way I saw them. We aren't best friends now but my attitude is much better and the relationship is significantly better. It was about changing me, not changing them.