The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Sunday, March 01, 2009


Just watched 'Expelled". Talk about sobering!

If you haven't see it, it's a documentary on the attack on Intelligent Design in any way shape or form in the scientific front.

Being in the Bible Belt, it never occur ed to me that all the hoop-lah from the east coast was real. But, man is it ever. Some of the people who want to open the debate for 'Intelligent Design" have no care (or inkling) of God. Their remarks about people needing to put religion where it belongs ". . .a weekend past time that makes them feel good . .. just get it off center stage.". Unreal. And the correlations about Darwinism to Nazi Germany! My stomach hurts as I type that last. Intelligence has been expelled from the scientific world.

God used the foolish things of the world to teach the wise.

Christ wasn't kidding when he stated that the way was narrow that lead to eternal life. Really narrow.


jenn said...

what a GREAT post! I love how you explain and God and Christianity and its importance in your life! I love your comments in class about the seriousness of knowing the Word! I love you!!!

Kara said...

Now you know that battle that I face daily as a science teacher. How do you present the truth when all you are allowed to state is fact. I know what the facts are & I can not say a word about what I know to be fact.

I express the truth in the following ways: 1.)"If you want to know what I believe then you can meet mye in the middle of the higway after school today & I would love to talk to you." (No takers to date but there is tomorrow. So I pray.) 2.) "I give you the following question.....when does life begin. a.) When the sperm & the egg hook up? b.) When the heart begins to beat? c.) When the baby takes it's first breath? Now, go home & ask your parents what the truth is. We will have a debate tomorrow. (I know that I have to future mayor of Poteet in my class or the next senator, so I give them every chance to fight is out.)
3.) I pray that the truth will be exposed in all it's glory for each one every day. They have to make a choice to follow the example I led to fall into the trap of worldy overpowering immorality.