The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Heavy Sigh

I sit here, staring at my mothers hands that somehow got attached to mine, as I ponder what to write today. My hands are scarred with a thousand barbed wire cuts, and cat scratches and rips from sharp edges all on top of this 'rice-paper'-like skin that seems oddly fragile. My veins are all plump, my cuticle's ragged. The joints on my right thumb and left ring finger are stiff and refuse to bend.

It has occurred to me lately that there are fewer days ahead than behind and life has never been better. Sure, the bumps of life keep you awake, but that don't make'em a bad thing - see the blog entitled "Jackie Blows it Yet Again". Amy's home, Brymer hasn't stroked since Sunday, it's chilly outside, there's a new carrot cake in the oven . . .

Just wish I wasn't ending up with my mothers hands.

The guy who fell of the motorcycle was somehow okay. Unreal, because he hit and rolled HARD, but he was wearing all his gear.


jenn said...

you know my mom says she has my granny's hands hands and she too doesn't know how they became attached to her wrists. i'm sure i have looked at your hands and i can't recall one stratch or bump or bruise, i see them like i see my mom's; wonderful, helping and so tenderly caring. i see love!
you know how in the movie Step-mom, Jackie Harris says that her son never remembers being lost, just that he was found!? i know it's human nature to dwell on the negative, man i am guilty of that everyday, BUT when it comes to someone you love so much, the nasty scrapes and bumps are just in the shadows of all the love that has come forth! i love you! i'm glad your life is good! you make mine better :)

Darla said...

Hands tell people who you are. If they are simply soft and pretty they think you are too lazy to do any real work or you thnk you are too precious to do anything like normal people do. If your hands are "used" they know you are a real person, a person who does not think so highly of yourself that you will not get your hands dirty to do the things that need to be done.

Everything I enjoy doing messes up my hands. I keep the best hand lotion I can find and keep using it. My hands are not pretty but I prefer to have these hands and all the things they do than to have pretty hands that do nothing.

They write songs about hands and they never mention them being soft and pretty.

Love the hands you are in!