The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Friday, October 31, 2008

Oh Man . . .

If 'o' wins (disrespect intended), this country will be spilt in two.

If McCain wins, this country will be spit in two.

The chances of assination of either are astounding and sobering. But the #2 'guy' on either side will split us too. (While I LOVE Sarah Palin, a lot of people don't - and I haven't met ANYONE who likes Biden.)

The more I learn, the less I agree with 'o' in any way shape or form.

. . . and then . . .

Then I realize that if God could work through and past Hitler, Mussolini, Ivan the Terrible, Henry the 8th . . .

I just wish I wouldn't have to give up so much of my paycheck for deadbeats.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


After a rotten day (and even 'rottenier' evening), I have decided that the only way to come to terms with people you trust talking behind your back is to stop trusting those people.

While that is hard in relation to those in the Church, still, you learn your lessons and move on. They have my love and support, but not my trust. I am learning to guard what I say in jest or concern.

The thing is to learn it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

No title

Do people not care that we live in a small town and what they say will get back to me? Maybe they want me to hear about it from others so they don't have to confront me?

or do they not care?

I'll bet that's it.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I am so confused.


Is he an American citizen? Is he pro black supremacy? Is he working to appoint way left wing judges on the supreme court?

Is he a socialist because he wants to 'spread the wealth'? He can't be, because the American people would NOT allow anyone with those real intentions in office . . right?

He says he is pro choice, but he has kids. He doesn't mean really killing babies . . he can't look at them and think that, right?

He says he's for all kinds of help to us under $250,000.00, but how is he going to pay for it? Will my boss (Robert F) have to pay way more just so my niece can sit at home with my sisters cell phone? That can't be right - right?

He's for health care for everyone. But if you don't work, you still get to have health care? How do we pay for that? Wouldn't that punish us guys who work? Especially Robert F?

Kim wouldn't back this stuff. Neither would Iris. Or Joe. Or Francis and Taylor.

What in the world am I missing?


Elect in haste

Repent at leisure.

If that ain't a sayin, it will be.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pity Party

With all the great stuff gong on . . why do I feel like I am defeated?

No one would talk in class tonight, Robert didn't come home again and is leaving early tomorrow, Jaci and Jarred are not going to stay long at all in November, banks kept running checks fro PAC more than once and I had to call each one, Obama is ahead in the polls, the media is HORRIBLE, my sister is a dog tick, my cat is dead, I hurt too much to get on the horse . . . I want so much to just go cry. But that would require effort.

Don't you hate it when you're in a corner, feeling abandoned? No matter how my head tells me I'm never alone, sometimes you need to feel it.

Am I Obsessive Compulsive?

When I'm upset, I either go into a 'sit in the chair and stare with unfocused eyes into the void' or I start cleaning.

Last night it was cleaning. Watching the news, listening to all the stuff being slung on both sides, I got up and took stuff out of the washer, put stuff in the dryer, put stuff out to air dry, started another load, cleaned out the refrigerator and cleaned the kitchen. I didn't start until 8pm, which is usually my bed time.

Poor Robert. He kept talking to me and I answered on the fly. I thought I'd feel better after I voted. No.

I am 'hurt in my stomach' sick. That sinking feeling when you know you're in trouble.

Jarred, I don't agree with you. Four years CAN destroy this country.

Friday, October 17, 2008


KIM, I NEED YOUR E MAIL ADDRESS!!!! You KNOW I have to respond!

I think my cat, Harlie, is dead.

I was saddling yesterday morning and she came up meowing like she was dying, but she always does that when I'm late with breakfast. So I told her to hang on . . I'd grab her special kitty as soon as i got Tesster going.

Then I called and called and called and she didn't come about 6 minutes later. I tried again this morning. She never misses a meal and she hasn't come to the door for 2 days. I haven't seen her since I told her to not have a cow, I'd feed her.

Robert told me she looked like she was sick last night . . .. said her hind end looked bad. Told me too late to do anything.

I feel rotten. She's an old cat, so it's not unexpected, but still, I am so afraid she is in pain somewhere, or died in pain. This sort of stuff haunts me.

Gag. I miss her.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hang With Me Here - - -

So, let's get this straight: 'O' tells the plumber that he doesn't want to punish the plumier for succeeding, but rather to "spread the wealth around to those who were under him and helped him get to where he is" ! That's sounds like redistributing the wealth to me.

Isn't that socialism?

If 'O' gets elected, wouldn't it be the smart thing to quit my job, have Robert flipping burgers at Dairy queen and sit back waiting to have 'O''s wealth (And Bill Gates, and Barney Franks, and Ted Kennedy's . . . the list of millionaires/billionaires that live in the US is huge) re-distributed to me? And I'd better keep my house. And my cars, and every single thing I have now because as a human, I am entitled to all of them.

Doesn't that discourage success?

And to respond to Dana, no, I do not have the option to leave the country. That takes money. And I'm going to have much less of it after November 4th. The billionaires, however don't have that problem. What happens to 'O''s ideas then? Lot less wealth to "re-distribute."

Monday, October 13, 2008

So I Step in . . .

There's so many funny things out there about the election . . but I am finding it too hard to laugh.

Do I really have to pay for stuff that goes against my moral stance? Like abortion? And paying dead beats to remain deadbeats? Redistributing wealth? This is so wrong. If obama gets in (and it looks like he probably will), we will be rolling downhill towards socialism. HOW can we, as Americans, allow that? Are we too lazy to stop a liberal wacko from getting in the white house? Do people not look in to what this man stands for? What he's done?

And a side note, the only thing I really like about McCain is Palin.

If I only had the option to leave the country.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Life is Pain, Princess.

Pain makes me grumpy.

I was getting on the Tesster 3 weeks ago. I was up on the second step (Lazy, I know. If I had mounted correctly, I wouldn't be in this situation).

Any . .. I put my left foot in the stirrup to swing my right leg over and she jumped to her right. I couldn't take my foot out. I heard and felt this loud 'POP!" And thought I was going to die.

That was three weeks ago. I've been in pain all this time. Sitting in front of the computer all day makes it worse. Time has begun to be measured in the time it takes pain medication to wear off before I can take more. Even watching tv is horrible

So last night I go to class, as hateful and sour as I've ever been. I prayed the whole time going "Please don't let my attitude ruin the class. Please!"

Donna said it was the best class I've had. ha!

She'll never know how much it cost me.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Pretty petty

The chick who used to work here had 'bubble' handwriting. You know, that plump, exact lettering that makes me think of junior high school. And all the joy that came with that. It's the kind of lettering that you put hearts over your small 'i''s and small 'j''s and looks like balloons.

Every time I see it, one side of my upper lip goes up with my eyebrows. It's irritating.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Heavy Sigh

Wadda weekend!

I had a barn put up, hay hauled in, services to go to, elders to feed, a wedding shower to stop by,a horse to wash, back to services and then to a bad movie. All this while I turned 47.

47 years. A feelin every one of them.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Doom Two

She's awesome, she's fresh, she's the real deal, but I don't think she is enough to get me back.

He said he'd veto earmarks . . was adamant about it. And he signed that horrible 'save the greedy saps' thing.

I'm an independent now.

If I had my way I'd move to Canada. At least there you aren't suckered into believing in someone then slammed to the concrete when they lie.

And I have the right NOT to vote. Stinks when that seems to be the most patriotic thing you can do.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


I flat out don't understand.

The mediator for the Vice Presidential debate has written a book that is Pro obama? And she's in charge of the questions?

The second main money earner for the freddie mac thing was/is obama? While it's a matter of record, he says NOTHING and is allowed to say NOTHING?

Obama says 'present' when he's in the senate (as apposed to 'yea' or 'nay'.) And the media is SILENT on this embarrasing record - which can be verified.

Obama wants to raise taxes on the people who hire/pay the people? Effectively punishing corporations for succeeding?

Stands for abortion on demand at the taxpayers expense?

Hidden beneath the robes of the ghost of Christmas present are two pathetic, scrawny, diseased children. They are named 'Ignorance' and 'Want'. And across their brow is printed the word 'Doom'.

Sorry, Jarred. I know you hate the word, know you think we'll be in trouble, but not 'doomed'.

Armageddon. Catastrophic. The end of the United States.
