The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

An epiphany

Ok . . been thinking on this and I think that sin can be likened to grass burrs.

Really. Hang with me on this. You're late (for whatever) and are separated by your destination by a large, grassy field. Now, you have the choice to walk around the meadow on the paved walkway or cut through.

Think on it. You take off across the field, and even where there's the St Augustine thing, you manage to find that one grass burr - everytime. It sticks to your jeans and shoelaces and you have to pull it off, pricking your fingers in the process. And you always miss some. So they ride your hem to find their way to the carpet where they blend in, and wait for the bare foot.

If you would have just stayed on the sidewalk - taken the long way around instead of the short cut, you wouldn't have to worry about any of it.

There is no way to eradicate grass burrs totally. They are a fact of South Texas life - and understand that anywhere else you move to has their own 'grass burr' - their unendingly patient pain in the hiney that must be endured.

In short, sin is here and here to stay until judgment. The safest bet is to walk that slim paved walk.

. . . and then . .

And then watch carefully for the grass burrs that manage to creep up onto it.

1 comment:

andrew said...

To carry the "grass burr (SP?)" analogy further, several days after the "burr" is pulled out of the skin there begins an irritation that last for several ways and weeks. Everytime you touch something or bump the spot you are reminded of the pain inflicted by the "burr". Even if you "do surger" to cut out the irritation, it takes awhoe to heal. Sin always leaves a mark and a reminder.