The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I Must Be on a Driving Slant

Or how about the cop who rides in the slow lane on a 70mph road going 65 - I imagine just to flex his arrogant muscles, because there's a line of cars behind him about 3 miles long of people too paranoid to pass him?

What? Are they that unsure of the accuracy of their speedometers? Come on! If your speedometers is wrong, so are the other 89 thousand people too chicken to get in the passing lane! Plaaaa-leeese!

I always put my cruise on 69 and pass them up, making sure to give them the "Would you get out of the junior high school mode?' jeer. They always grin at me.

The 'Less Than Wonder Public Servants' - that's the politically correct term for 'Creeps'.

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