The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Time and Memories revisited

I have often felt as if I was being watched. Not so much a scary thing, but a certainty that I am not alone in a room. It occurred to me tonight that it is probably someone I know and know well doing the watching; Me.

How many times have I looked back to a time in my past and begged God for another chance? A chance to change something. Or do something? Or how many times do I look back with longing? Look back on when I was free and happy and full of hope?

I am convinced that time lays in layers. I am 80 years old rocking great grandchildren while I am eight and running my little tri colored pony down an embankment - as I sit and type this blog. We are spiritial beings.

Who's to say that we can't dwell on more than one layer of time? Sure, what's done is done. You can't change stuff, but maybe, just maybe, that's me in the corner of the living room, looking back with a strong good memory of now? Isn't it just possible that feelings leave an imprint that is stronger than time? Stronger than the physical world?

Heavy thoughts for a Thursday.


Dana said...

I read a reaally good book called Einstein's Dreams a little while back. It is a fictional book about what Albert may have dreamed about while he was working on his theory of relativity. Your blog reminds me of that.

andrew said...

I'm with you on the time thing. The idea that time fluctuates or is "layered" is one that that has alwasy intreged me. Why is it that time seems to speed up and slow down? I don't know if this is our human perception or it is the way it is. I, too, have felt that someone was physically watching me. Guilty conscience...maybe?!

Cryssy said...

Ahhh, time. Is it really relative?? Some days I wonder and other days I'm convinced. I'm not sure about the layers but it is defintely intriguing. Love it!

Amy said...

Really interesting concept, Jackie! I love to think about time, and how focused and dependent on it we are. Andy and I have both "felt" people in our house, and maybe you've solved our dilemna about who it is!! We are in the Twilight Zone!!