The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Monday, November 13, 2006


Monday is the work day of work days at my house. I have a lot to do, and I kinda flatter myself that I'm pretty organized.

For example, each Monday I put on my music throughout the house then do the laundry, re-writes on the book, work on cards, wrap Christmas presents and clean. I give myself "stations" and time allotted for each and end up making a loop two or three times around the house. It's great because you never get bored, but still are productive.

. . and then . . .

Then if Robert is home it's all out the window. He's helping Lee with peanuts this week, so he's here all morning. He watches TV (no music) he wants lunch (I skip lunch) he wants me to talk to him (there goes the work) and when he tries to wrap presents to help, he goes too slow. I love him to death and wouldn't change him for the world, but can't he find something to do on Mondays?

Oh well. Proof positive that you can be great together and pretty decent apart too, huh?


Cryssy said...

AMEN SISTER!!!! That is one of the reasons I had to cut back to part time work. My house work just wasn't getting done!!! I can't work when Tony is home! Even if he wasn't in the way, I'd rather be with him or enjoying him just being there. I like a tidy house, not clean per say, but tidy. The man CANNOT clean up after himself....the kitchen.... He is lucky he is such a good cook!!

Cryssy said...

AMEN SISTER!!! That is one of the reasons I had to cut back to part time work, my house work just wasn't getting done. Even if Tony wasn't in the way, I'd much rather spend my time with him or just enjoying him being home. I like a tidy house, not clean (although Lord knows that would be nice), but tidy. This man is simply incapable of cleaning up after himself. Don't get me started on the kitchen!!! Praise GOD he is a good cook...and good thing he is or I'd have pad locks on the doors to that room....

Cryssy said...

Sorry about that, stupid blogger lost it....and then it didn't????

andrew said...

Count yourself lucky that you have a husband like who likes to do some of the same things you do (even if he is slow), wants to be with you (even at lunch) and interrupts your music time. He is a busy man in so man yother ways. I will have to admit I probably have not been the best in that area. I love both you guys!

Amy said...

I know you're not a friend of the French, but "Viva la difference!" How dull if we worked at the same pace or even wanted to work at the same time!! What a wonderful balance we make combined together!