The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Trinity

I've often wondered how in the world the whole Father/Son/Spirit can be three different Beings called God, but still be one all at the same time. It kinda sorta blows me away that He can be in heaven, next to Himself in heaven and down here helping out. I mean, how can you begin to comphrehend that?

God is so cool. He figured out a way to illustrate it - - Marriage. Man, what in the world would I do without Robert? It's been almost 26 years and you would think I'd be tired of it all (ok, the constant leaving the gas tank at a quarter tank is getting mighty old), but so far, it only gets stronger. How weird is that? I've been in Hawaii for 5 days and if I don't get some rest, I'm going to drop. But when you sleep next to a man that many nights, it's hard to nod off without them. It's like a big ole' chunk of me is sweating and praying for rain back in Pleasanton. I'm only half. (I can just see the commets on that line.)

Maybe it's like that with the Trinity? Just a tiiny little bit? Maybe? Hey, don't get me wrong - -there is no way I can pretend to get a decent handle on this. Ain't possible.

. . . and then . . .

Then I think, if I could understand it, would they (Father/Son/Spirit)really be worthy of praise? It was Brad Stine that asked the question; 'Do I want a God down here on my level?'' Is that really what I want running the universe?

Let me think for a minte . . no. Let me think it over again . . uh, no. One more time? Okay . . .hummmm . . sorry. still no.
In fact, it's a resounding 'NO!'

Father /Son/ Spirit . . . . Don't understand it, but they sure work.


Cryssy said...

The Trinity will always be a mystery and will always be out of our grasp. Wouldn't it be cool though if even when we were apart from out spouses that we would still be there? Still know what they were thinking and what they were doing and still feel them with us. I know what you mean about feeling like half of yourself. I never thought I'd be able to give so much of myself to someone else (as you know I have trust issues) and now that he has been away, I feel lost. I go through the days thinking only one thought....I'm one day closer to him being home. Food, what's that? Sleep, HA! Oh to be as cool as the Trinity.... But I wouldn't change things for anything. God should never come down to my level! Ewww that makes my skin crawl just thinking it.

The Johnsons said...

We should start a list called:
"Things That Blow Your Mind About God."

Jackie Hutton - The Trinity
Erin Johnson - Eternity (What do you mean it never ends...)

The Johnsons said...

of course there is more to that list - that was just to get us started...

Cryssy said...

Oooo, I got one
Cryssy Ramirez - Omnipresence

Amy said...

Amy LaMore - God's time vs. our time