The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

He-Man, Master of the Universe

When Rob and Jarred were little, they were ballistic for "He-Man, Master of the Universe' stuff. If it had anything to do with 'He-Man', they were all about that. And that really really bothered me.

He was, after all, a fictional character, the 'savior' of the world, and it goes without saying that I had a BIG problem with the whole mess.

. . and then . .

And then one day Jarred asked me to play the 'He-Man song. I asked him what he was talking about and he said, you know, "He-Man-u-el." He was talking about the Amy Grant song, "Emmanuel' on her Christmas album. This entire time the boys thought the He-Man was Christ. Rob told me that 'He-Man' was in charge. And I was blown away.

I've always pictured Christ as this guy walking around just this side of breaking into tears. A sad sort of man. Never thought of Him as a muscle man. Evidently, my kids expectations were higher than mine.

1 comment:

jenn said...

that's a cool memory/event, thanks for sharing! it always amazes me to learn the thoughts of a child!
i love you:)