The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Sunday, December 03, 2006

I miss the Tesster

Was watching Tesster at her new home - we moved stables. And while I love her just as much, when Chello and Megan asked me to go riding, the answer was a fast "no." and man, did I mean it. I used to LOVE riding, used to LOVE being on that snotty black and white monster. I miss my Tesster as she stands in front of me.

I hate the ranch and the business for killing that love in me. But most of all, I hate myself for allowing it to happen. The work, the worry, the money, the unending day to day 'slog' of it all . . . It's been 7 months and I still have to force myself to saddle up.

Where is that passion? Will it come back? Please, oh please, let it return.


Dana said...

It's not quite the same thing but that is how I felt about reading for a while. After years of reading because I had to for college, the thought of a book would literally make me cringe. Now, that has changed. Barnes and Noble is my favortie place to relax. I have a stack of books by my bed so that when I finish one, another is right at my fingertips.

You'll get it back. Just give it time. You'll love it again.

Cryssy said...

Can't say if it will or not. And I have no advise about passions since I have yet to find one thing that I'm passionate about (family not included). I hope it comes back for you!!!!