The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Monday, September 04, 2006


The Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT) defines fear (ie:'Fear the Lord . .' etc . . .) as a 'trembling, running away from, shoot with arrow' kind of emotion. It's not simple respect. It's just minding your p's and q's. It is a picture of all encompassing, 'the world revolves around it' fear. Much different from what I'd studied up until now.

In Church yesterday we were told about how the muslims handle the quran (did I spell that right?) . . how they treat it with fanatical respect. The preacher told about a Christian man who had a muslin friend and he asked that friend to see the quran. The guy went into the back room and came back holding a book with gloves on. He had another pair for the Christian friend so he wouldn't disrespect his god's word.

The preacher went on to say that our Bibles are torn, or door stops or dusty. We have no respect for it. Compared to the muslim faith, it was, he said, pathetic.

ok. See his point.

. . . and then . . .

Then I think, why in the world shouldn't our Bibles be ripped to shreds? Anyone who knows me knows the condition of my Bible. (No, Suzie, I can't give it up! I just can't! I know where all the scriptures are on each page . . how can I live with a different one?)

Yes, it's holy, but it's also study material. It's vital for day to day, minute to minute life. Why shouldn't it be falling apart? I cling to it, depend on it, quote from it, let it condemn my actions, let it comfort me, and sometimes, I just hold it close. Because it's the one tangible thing that's stable in my life as a human. (yes, even above Robert.)

God, I have learned through the Word, is not a Person to be feared like the Hebrew/Greek define it - - - - as long as there's Christ to get between us. So, in essence, Christ took away the fear I read about in the Old Testament. Make any sense?

I say all of that to say this: What in the world do we hold up to the fear we are commanded to have? Really? What do we fear? No, you can't say spiders, or rats or whatever. I'm talking spiritually.

The preacher couldn't come up with a thing. Neither could I.

Now that's scary.


Cryssy said...

I guess the scripture says to fear God, but I fear the lack of Him. I fear losing Him. I fear NOT hearing "Well done, my good and faithful servant." Does that count?

jenn said...

you say that's scaret...(i know we have VERY DIFFERENT veiw points) i say, that's assurance! the the respect of the Bible thing--i aggree with you. Ephians calls it our sword, a tool, right? go look in the tool box of a man that really uses his tools, where that, those tools, are his way of life, his living. Are those tools shiney and in perfect shape? No! they are used. if our sword is not used how can i say that i use it to fight of satan? (and i don't like i should)