The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


K, I'm back and settling in. The jet lag is pretty much past. The dogs are fine (try to get a friend to watch your dogs when you go on vacation. Surgery is less expensive than boarding!) The horses are fine, the house is fine . . Hey, even the grass didn't die.

About the house . . ever notice how funny your house smells when you're gone for a while? Sorta like when you were a kid and went to visit friends. Their houses smelled wired. That's what hit me when I got home yesterday. A sickey 'old' smell. Like some old guy has been working in the back yard with no breeze and no deodorant. This must be a smell that is ingrained into the sheet rock. Robert and I certainly do not have that less than attractive odor.

I made dinner really quick to kill it. And I'm gonna bake cookies or bread today. This place is supposed to smell like me, not like some old guys dirty tee shirt.


Jaci said...

old guys dirty tee .. haha .. I always ask people does my house smell good?? because you can never smell your own house since you are used to it .. soooo .. did my house smell good?? if it did what did it smell like?? if it didnt .. then what did it smell like??? hahhaa .. love you guys ..

Cryssy said...

Too funny! I've heard that when you go away for longer than a week, you should put pinesol in the toilets and down all the drains. It works, the smell isn't so bad when you get home....try it.