The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Friday, October 27, 2006

Ignorance is cowardice.

"When I was young, I spoke as a child, acted as a child . . . but when I became an adult, I put away childish things." {Jackie Hutton paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 13}

Kids act and react based on feelings, and not knowledge, right? Ignorance is bliss to them. To simply live in a world where all is good and right and kind is a sort of heaven that gives us (I think) a glimpse of the future. But you have to grow up and put that away. You have to learn, and live with that knowledge.

I say all that to say this - I'm going on a retreat this weekend to the hill country. I have been aching to be there with my sisters. But every day - indeed several times on some days - I am bombarded with knowledge I would slaughter a pig to not know. I learn more about people that I love that is not encouraging at all than I ever EVER wanted to know.

And with that knowledge comes pain. Real, pain. Can we emphasis that word enough? So do you pretend it doesn't hurt? Do you ignore it? Do you crawl up into a hole a cry?

To remain ignorant is purely cowardice. Grow up - I tell myself again and again. Mature! Grow! Take the stupid pill of wisdom, Jackie and move on!

Oh, to be a child again. But I'm not. Guess it's time to accept that, huh?

1 comment:

Cryssy said...

Man, slap me in the face! Good job! I live by the ignorance is bliss motto. I don't go places and go with new people because I always end up hurt in the end. I'm very selective of who I spend time with because of this. But I'm so glad you didn't treat me like that. I honestly don't want to think about where I'd be or who I'd be if you had realized back then that I'd hurt you (I'm assuming at some point along the years I've hurt you deeply and I don't even know about it) and if you had avoided spending time with me. My favorite memories are those of us together, good and bad. I'm who I am because you took a chance on me. Bless you and I thank God for you daily!