The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

OK, So I Took Basic Math My Senior Year

So last night I'm having this dream about riding Amy's horses (We did that yesterday afternoon) and then I have to get off the horse to make room for stuff to be stacked inside a camper (It all made sense then, but of course now, that's all fuzzy.)

And as I'm stacking stuff, I have to move my pot of soup out of the way and put it in another container that will hold just as much, but be taller. So I got to thinking ". . wait a minute. There's a formula for this!!!! I'll be dogged! I DO need the stuff they taught in algebra!"

And so, there I was, going "Is it volume equals pi times diameter times height? Or is it pi times radius times height?" And it actually woke me up! I couldn't get back to sleep! I don't even know where to go to find that equation!

So, all you teachers . . .which is it or is it something completely different???? I need to know. I need the sleep!


jenn said...

man you remebered a lot about your dream. and why was there soup in the trailor?

Dana said...

The truth is that I don't know the equation for finding equal volumes in containers but I do know this...I'm pretty sure that is geometry and not algebra. Sorry - I'm a bad fat snot! Good thing you happen to love me!

jenn said...

oh no you didn't, dana...i learned volume in algebra, and i know that because informal goe doesn't teach that, and i didn't go any higher...pre-algebra, algebra I, and informal geo. Sorry but i'm a big fat snot too!!! luvya girls

andrew said...

Horses...Army...Dreams...Do you need to get a life?!