The Fam!

The Fam!
All Us Huttons

Friday, October 06, 2006


You have to hang with me here . . all of this is the honest truth.

Was on the way to the vet for my dog but first went to the bank for the payday money stuff. Did my math wrong and there's 5 cars behind me waiting. So I left it, Buelah all excited and heavy and using those huge paws on my bare skin. Took her to vet for her second shots. My sister who works there is in a snotty mood, again, so I decide it's time to call her on it. We get snippy with each other, but it's all cool by the time they bring in this cat (who appears dead) that's been bitten by a rattlesnake. Fine. I help with that for a second, then leave with the carpet cleaner Cheri is letting me use to get rid of all the 'accidents' that are purposely in my craft room. On the way out, it appears that i am just this side short of having a flat on my back right tire on my new truck. Ok . . . Get home to filler back up and can't find the thingie that goes on the end of the hose for the air compressor. So I call Robert to ask, having to yell because the air compressor has a leak and it builds up pressure really loud. Anyhow, so I get that done.

Ok, so I get to work with the shampooer and notice that it's leaving this disgusting black water all over. I call Cheri - "Oh, it's normal. Just keep going." Keep going?? The rugs look worse, so i put that away and go after them with my wet/dry vac and fabuloso - - which works fine.

ok . . so Robert is too busy to put my sewing machine together. Fine. I'll do it. You need a flathead screwdriver - - butter knife will work. Found the phillips screwdriver, but there wasn't a hammer to be found in the state. K. So I'll use the end of the screwdriver. Takes me about three hours (of a lot of shuffling and puffing because this dumb knee doesn't work right) but I got it put together and even found the hammer while I hunted up the electric screwdriver (Which I hoped I'd be able to work, but the screws kept moving weird and tried to go in at angles. So I gave it up.)

After it's done, I leave the room in a mess and go to the bank to fix my first mistake and then to the horses, then to the gas station (the pump was closed, I had to back in to get diesel) and then to walmart. Well, yee ha and it's another trip to walmart. I was looking for tower fan for Roberts computer room. All they have is this one way, way back and it's $40.00. There were upteen million heaters of every shape and fashion, but only this one tower fan and two box fans. (Now, waitaminute. This is south Texas. October. Early October? What? Are we gonna hit a night time low of 65 degrees????) Great. Whatever. I'm wanting to get back and finish the room.

After $130.00 (WHAT??????? "Give me that print out, would you please???") I get home, and the tower fan is a heating fan and I am mad!!!! So I go to look for the receipt (because we will be taking this puppy back), I catch the seam of my favorite capri's on a hook and it rips a hole about three inches long.

It was then I began to laugh. I hadn't realized until that second what was going on with me all day long. I was doing the battle thing and didn't even know it. And I realized suddenly that satan might not miss a trick, but he sure can overplay a hand. To quote C.S.Lewis in the 'Screwtape Letters' . . I think I'll simply laugh at him and go to bed.

However, that being said, I'm going riding tonight - 10 miles under the moon light.

Remember, Amy Brymer gets Tess if she survives.


jenn said...

does the realization of what satan has just done hit you smack in the face like it does me? glad you got to go ridingin the moonlight. it was a bright and beautiful night last night!
love you! *smooch*

jenn said...

Rosie says: Good grief....What a day full of craziness!!!!You had to be exhausted.Well can fix your favorite capri's, because you fixed your sewing maching! Hope today was better. I love you sweet girl. rosie

The Johnsons said...

my word. Hope today is better! Remember that one blog 'back when' you wrote about being lazy... What were you thinking?! Have a nice, restful Saturday.

Amy said...

Sorry, but I'm just glad to know that it wasn't just me having that kind of day!! I know it's bad when I want to go out into the parking lot and just yell at the top of my lungs!! This too shall pass!